1º Ciclo Internacional sobre Direitos Humanos -Porto

30 Abril, 2, 3, 6 e 16 Junho 2009
O INTER-CULTURAL:círculo de eventos (projecto de parceria entre a ESEPF e a Univ. Porto -no âmbito do InterNetwork. Intercultural Education: Teacher Training and School Practice) organiza uma série de 3 Seminários e 2 Workshops subordinados a temáticas relacionadas com os Direitos Humanos.
Participação Livre. Inscrição prévia e info em internetwork@esepf.pt
30 Abril 2009 (14:30h) BARRY VAN DRIEL (IAIE, Anne Frank House): workshop "Where Human Rights Collide?" In this workshop, Barry van Driel, will first explain the general concept relating to the project Free2Choose. Free2Choose is an international Project that looks at where the boundaries are of various fundamental Freedom rights (e.g. freedom of speech, freedom of religion). The project encourages young people to debate and discuss their opinions regarding these rights. After introducing the project, Barry will show approximately 12 of the video clips that have been made to encourage debate. That mainstay of the next three hours will be devoted to actually practicing two of the debate methodologies included in the accompanying teacher manual, using 2-3 of the clips shown. The afternoon will end with a reflection on the clips, the methodologies used, and the applicability in a Portuguese context. [Local: E.Learning Café -Univ. Porto http://elearningcafe.up.pt/]

2 Junho 2009 (18:00h) SUSAN KATZ (Univ. San Francisco, USA): "Human Rights Education in a University Setting" This seminar will describe the Human Rights Education emphasis in the graduate degree programs at the University of San Francisco (USA) School of Education, which is the only one of its kind in the entire U.S. This emphasis consists of four courses: Human Rights Education: Pedagogy and Praxis, International Human Rights Law for Educators, Gender and Globalization, and Immigration and Forced Displacement.
This seminar will focus on the Human Rights Education class, which I have taught twice and also assessed through focus group interviews. Using audiovisual materials, I will present three case studies incorporating international human rights documents: Criminal Injustice Against African Americans, Child Soldiers, and Indigenous People’s Struggles Against Oil Companies. I will also share examples of the final project: a research-based pedagogical tool designed for students’ own classrooms or communities. [Local: ESEPF

3 Junho 2009 (18:00h) SUSAN KATZ (Univ. San Francisco, USA): "USA Bilingual Education and Linguistic Rights". Using the framework of the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (1996), this seminar will present a global perspective on bilingual education. We will briefly look at current language policies in South Africa, Guatemala, and China but focus primarily on the United States. We will consider different models of bilingual education and then explore in depth the one considered most effective: “two way immersion,” where native and non-native speakers of English learn two languages together in the same classroom.
This seminar will explore the relationship between the language of instruction in school and issues of equity and social justice, particularly for marginalized communities. Some questions we may address could include: What is the impact of the globalization of English? What factors lead to loss, maintenance, and revitalization of minority languages? Why has the U.S. been called a “cemetery of ancestral languages?” [Local: E.Learning Café -Univ. Porto http://elearningcafe.up.pt/]

6 Junho 2009 (9:30h) SUSAN KATZ (Univ. San Francisco, USA): Workshop "Unforgettable Memories: Family Oral History in the Classroom". This workshop demonstrates a very successful classroom project in which adolescent immigrant students conducted oral histories with family members about significant events and then published them in an anthology. Participants in this workshop will learn first-hand the steps of oral history: formulating questions, interviewing, transcribing, narrative writing, editing, and publishing. You will write up someone else’s story as if you were in their shoes!
In my own teaching of middle school students learning English as a second language, I found that oral history provided a bridge between families and school, between oral and written language, and between personal and academic writing. The oral history project I implemented for four years was both my students’ and my favorite activity and provided an excellent way for me, as their teacher, to learn more about their home cultures. [Local: ESEPF

16 Junho 2009 (18:00h) PEDRO KRUPENSKI (Director Executivo Amnistia Internacional Portugal): "Pobreza e os Direitos Humanos". Pobreza = a menos Direitos Humanos. A intervenção de Pedro Krupenski incidirá sobre a “Pobreza e os Direitos Humanos”. Partindo do princípio de que o ciclo da pobreza é causa e efeito de várias formas de abusos e violação dos Direitos Humanos, há que quebrar este ciclo, promovendo os Direitos Humanos.
A pobreza, nas suas várias formas, é fruto de decisões. Como tal é possível e necessário tomar (e pressionar para que sejam tomadas) as decisões contrárias àquelas que estiveram na génese das várias formas de pobreza. É essa a finalidade da Campanha da Dignidade, uma nova campanha da Amnistia Internacional: Exijamos todos mais Direitos Humanos, menos pobreza, mais Dignidade. [Local: ESEPF

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